Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Little Bit...and Then Some

So, like any mother of two toddlers, I feel completely overwhelmed and frazzled most days. I struggle to keep up with daily chores. I agonize over getting organized. The list is long and distinguished. Some days, it feels so consuming that it takes a small pep talk to get going in the morning.

That is....that is how life was last week. And as many weeks as I can remember before that. I finally broke the cycle and am proud to say the grass IS greener on the other side.

Some may ask, "So what made the change? What caused such a big difference?" My answer is the little bit and then some philosophy. I'm sure that I've heard this principle before, but I finally got it last week. You see, I got tired of wallowing in the things that weren't getting done, so I did what I could to change it. Instead of getting frustrated that the dishes weren't getting done without a dishwasher and the house hadn't been cleaned in two weeks, I asked for a little help and paid someone to come watch the kids.

A paradigm shift occurred by putting a little skin in the game, and it felt GREAT. But then, I was awake that night worried about the mere days it might take to have it all crumble again. My paradigm philosophy answered back to my fear by quickly interjecting that it simply didn't have to continue that way. All I had to do was focus my worry time and a few minutes a day (the here and there moments that present themselves when the dishwasher delivery man is twenty minutes late, when the kids sleep an extra 15 minutes, when I can raise myself out of bed thirty minutes early and avoid the pity party, etc.) and apply it to MAINTAINING a small sense of order on the important things.

It was a miracle in the making. My house is clean one week later. The kids are happy. My husband is happy (he finds me glad he's home, not happy that it is HIS turn with the kids). So, I now find myself with a little more time that is not dedicated to reinventing the wheel design for my life. Instead, I choose to dedicate the extra time saved to doing the "and then some" of life. You know, picking one drawer a day to reorganize or one drawer of clothes to reclaim in the kids' rooms. I've given myself permission to not declare victory over the house in a day, but I've committed to not losing the ground I win.

I'll keep you posted!

"With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith." 2 Thessalonians 1:11

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I thought I raised them better....

I believe that Wal-Mart is a necessary evil to a fallen world. In fact, the word loathe only begins to describe the anamocity I feel toward the retailer who does today what they try to do everyday ("...take over the world!" for those of you deprived of an Animaniacs education). So, I had to muster up all the strength I had within me to try to take on the void of Wal-Mart with TWO toddlers in tow and NO reinforcements, only to discover what I always discover....they don't have what I came to buy. In fact, the conversation went just like this:

Me: (dragging my toddlers with hands touching EVERYTHING in sight) Please stay clear of the two stockers in the aisle, guys. There isn't much room for us to squeeze by.
Stocker: (oblivious to the world around her, not only doesn't move, but also refuses to make eye contact in the event I actually have a question)
Me: Excuse me, but I can't seem to find what I came here to buy. I am looking for some toilet targets to help with my potty-training toddler. Where could I find them?
Stocker: (obviously does not have kids, because there was no angst, remorse, or pity in her eyes that I am AGAIN trying to potty train my son. eyes roll across her face to take her attention off of her ever important work) We do not carry those. (quickly, she turns back to the pressing work in front of her of stacking the 100th package of diapers into the rack)
Me: Okay, guys. They don't have the only thing that we drove thirty minutes to buy. Maybe we can find some stickers to bribe you with. Follow me, please. (using every form of personal restraint I have not to go off on this emotionally-void woman. it really wasn't her fault that the largest retailer in the WORLD NEVER carries what I need!!!!!!)
Checker: (as we walk up to the register with severely over-price stickers) Did you find everything you were looking for?
Me: (trying unsuccessfully to keep all octopus limbs in the cart) No, actually I didn't.
Checker: (shocked by an actual answer) total will be $8.15.
Me: For stickers?
Checker: Yes, ma'am. (hoping that I would just pay and leave already) Thank you and have a great day.
Me: Thanks, but it would be a better day if I had toilet targets. (muttering under my breath as I hearded my two toddlers toward the parking lot)

So, imagine my disdane when my son (bless his little heart) states on the way out, "Mommy...that's Waw-Mart. I wuv Waw-Mart, Mommy. I just wuv it." There was no time to waste in informing him of the blood-sucking nature of Wal-Mart. There was no reasoning to him that Wal-Mart might actually look similar to hell...long aisles of crap that you don't need at prices that are slightly cut to make them look like a deal, but is still $8.15 that would make more money at 12% interest in an IRA. He simply has bought into the incredible marketing scheme of falling prices and coming out most times with the next toy that will bring his life meaning and happiness. I really thought that I raised my children better. I suppose there is still time.
"The thief has come to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come to give them life..." John 10:10

Monday, March 3, 2008

Next Up....Turning Three!

This is the cake I made for Jonathan's birthday. The directions said 2 hours to decorate, but it was definately three for me. I got the idea off of a fun website (I'll have to find it and post it later). Jonathan got to have three of his friends over, and then one of Naomi's best friends came over with her brother. We had train cake and plates, train whistles, conductor hats, and kalidescopes. A little organized chaos, but Jonathan still talks about it. Later that day, he got to help me frost his cupcakes to take to Bible study for the kids at group. I'm very glad birthdays only come once a year and that the kids spread their's out well.