Saturday, December 12, 2009

As Promised, With a Bonus

I made it just in time to count as today. The tree is up (with help from the kids), the shopping is almost done (with kids in tow), and the presents are wrapped (with help from the kids). I apologize that my computer is freaking out and not turning some of the pictures. Hope to fix it as soon as possible. Enjoy a little Christmas from mine to yours. The Bonus are a few pics of the kids in their program. Naomi is a sheep, and Jonathan is a camel-riding wise man. Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Building Anticipation

After a productive day of shopping, baking, wrapping, decorating, and movie-watching, I am lacking a little motivation. The kids did a great job wrapping our goodies and decorating the Christmas tree this year. Nathan says it looks like a department store tree (amazing for two toddlers). Check in tomorrow for pictures.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Deal of the Day

Okay, so I found this online and can't help but pass it along. These nursing covers are incredible, but they can be costly. So, I found a code that really works to get a cover for free if you pay for the shipping ($8.95). You can't buy the material for that and make it yourself. If you can't use it for yourself, these make great gifts. The website is (don't blame/ask wasn't my idea for a brand name). At checkout, type in the code "christmas" and it will give you the discount. They are BBB accredited, so it is a legitimate business. If you get one, let me know which pattern you choose or is your favorite.

I love finding deals and love passing them on. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Happiness Is....

A new pair of glasses and the first break my contacts get for three years...yeah! (Pictures to follow soon!)

"Now then, stand still and see this great thing the LORD is about to do before your eyes!" 1 Samuel 12:16

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fall Colors

I know that some of these are a little blurry, but this is what the first of fall looked like for us! (Thanks to Nathan's phone for standing in until we got a real camera replacement) The pictures of Nathan and I with the kids are taken at the rock my grandparents took us to when we were little. They are all taken in Rocky Mountain National Park on our vacation. So fun to watch your kids visit the places of your youth.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Back to Life, Back to Reality

As promised, I am making a comeback. Thanks to a HUGE blessing, we are back in the photography world (when my children are grown, they will be so happy). Here's a taste of what's to come...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

My Poor, Neglected Blog

I appologize for not blogging regularly. There are more updates soon to come. Our camera is still broken, so I've had to wait to get Nathan's computer fixed before we could download the pictures off of his cell phone to post. Coming soon...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Little Change

I know I'm so far behind, but I'll start with the new paint colors in the house.

The new kitchen in green.

The dining room.

The living room with the new entertainment center BEFORE the new colors.

The after shot.

The dining room wall.

The brown replaced the red in the living room and entryway.