Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Bright Spots

It seems as though life is like a grain harvest. Now, at the risk of sounding a little Forrest Gump here, I realize that this sounds like a typical parent lecture that drones on and on along a winding path ending abruptly with some important life lesson which probably was better explained in one short sentence, but hang with me here.

I digress....a grain harvest. It takes a lot of work to bring in all of the events, or grain, in ones life. Sometimes it is poor weather, other times you are forced to bring in the hay early due to external conditions. And the grain is not even usable when first cut. You then have to process it, take the useful parts from the trash, and store it for when it is needed. Then, you get to decide if it is more valuable when used for your own purposes or when it is sold to others for a profit.

It seems lately that there has been a great need to glean out the good, toss aside the bad, focus on the bright spots, learn and cherish what I gain the most from, and pass along some of the rest to others around me (oh the joy that it would be to have all the time in the world to write a book that would gain us money and pass along ideas to others....maybe that is a retirement job). I feel like there is a harvesting season in my near future. Those are exciting because of what you glean, it is just hard to look forward to all the work. I keep reminding myself to focus on the bright spots, enjoy the process, and wait for the payoff.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. ~Philippians 4:8

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