Friday, December 14, 2007
Of course, the stove breaks....
when you need to have three dozen cookies by Saturday afternoon and you find out about it at 9:50 p.m. I can't tell what is funnier: trying to fix the oven by directions over the phone or attempting to cook biscuits at 450 degrees in a toaster oven (I'll say it kind of works, but not very successfully and I wouldn't do it on a regular basis....we'll put it in the same boat at a blow-torch broiler). Who knew that you could have an electric gas stove (no, I'm not pulling one on you or being a girl that doesn't know what she's talking about). Evidently, we have no regular pilot light. We have a pilot light that comes from an electrical charge. Yeah, I don't really understand why, either. All I have to say is that I've always hated that stupid oven. Oh well, God's blessing seems to come even at times that surprise us. Someone out here in po-dunk nowhereville actually has the part and will tell Nathan how to fix it himself to save money. How gracious God is to us (even when we complain about the things He blesses). It is almost enough to make me want to like that stupid oven.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Please, Please Pray
Please pray for my friend who just had her baby. He does have spina bifida. There are a huge number of blessings and a lot of challanges ahead. Baby Titus was almost 8 lbs. and over 19" long. His back was completely closed (which is a miracle, being as the doctors said as late as last week that it wasn't). He goes in for surgery today. They have had many up and down updates. Please pray for all involved and that God will be glorified by the progress that is made.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Know-It-All Children
Dear Mom,
I am dreadfully sorry for all of the times that I insisted that my knowledge surpassed that of your aged wisdom. I realize now how young and stupid I really was. I think that I always expected this day to arrive, however I hoped to make it at least to my son's third birthday before reaching the monumental cairn of life called "Mom is now stupid and knows how to do nothing in this world."
Today, my beautiful son realized that, at the ripe age of three, he KNEW how to get something open that my frail, female, 26 year old brain just would not be able to figure out. It is beyond the streets of shivelry, past the point of politeness, and reached a turn down the overlook to outrageous and demeaning. For goodness sake, I am the one who is still trying to convince his little brain that pottying in the pot is a good idea, and now HE is telling ME how the world works. It just is not reasonable.
However, in the haze of the madness of the situation, it occured to me that it was not that long ago that I recall pulling the same prank on you. How often the pain and frustration of life might have passed me by had I only listened and heeded your advice....especially on the mundane, "Don't touch that; it's hot" warning. If only I really heard the urgency of your heed to stop what I was doing BEFORE someone poked an eye out. Had I only translated that tone in your voice properly before exiting the house after the exasperated, "Are you really wearing THAT outfit tonight?" Oh, the wisdom you gave and I left it on the doorstep like yesterday's newspaper.
So, I truly am sorry for not listening to your advice. I realize that you really DID know what you were talking about, that your years of learning the hard way gave you some really great tips, and I did store them away in the back of my mind. I plan to spend some good time unpacking those boxes and organizing them into useful ways to practice what you preached.
With Love,
Your Favorite Daughter
I am dreadfully sorry for all of the times that I insisted that my knowledge surpassed that of your aged wisdom. I realize now how young and stupid I really was. I think that I always expected this day to arrive, however I hoped to make it at least to my son's third birthday before reaching the monumental cairn of life called "Mom is now stupid and knows how to do nothing in this world."
Today, my beautiful son realized that, at the ripe age of three, he KNEW how to get something open that my frail, female, 26 year old brain just would not be able to figure out. It is beyond the streets of shivelry, past the point of politeness, and reached a turn down the overlook to outrageous and demeaning. For goodness sake, I am the one who is still trying to convince his little brain that pottying in the pot is a good idea, and now HE is telling ME how the world works. It just is not reasonable.
However, in the haze of the madness of the situation, it occured to me that it was not that long ago that I recall pulling the same prank on you. How often the pain and frustration of life might have passed me by had I only listened and heeded your advice....especially on the mundane, "Don't touch that; it's hot" warning. If only I really heard the urgency of your heed to stop what I was doing BEFORE someone poked an eye out. Had I only translated that tone in your voice properly before exiting the house after the exasperated, "Are you really wearing THAT outfit tonight?" Oh, the wisdom you gave and I left it on the doorstep like yesterday's newspaper.
So, I truly am sorry for not listening to your advice. I realize that you really DID know what you were talking about, that your years of learning the hard way gave you some really great tips, and I did store them away in the back of my mind. I plan to spend some good time unpacking those boxes and organizing them into useful ways to practice what you preached.
With Love,
Your Favorite Daughter
Be careful to obey all these regulations I am giving you, so that it may always go well with you and your children after you, because you will be doing what is good and right in the eyes of the LORD your God. Deuteronomy 12:28
Of Mice and Men
Just a quick update. It has been over two weeks now since the last trailings of a mouse in my house. I believe that is what they mean by "winning the war on terror." (okay...probably not the original intent of the phrase, but believe me, it has never felt more true!) Included on this post is a link for all of my friends who wish to never suffer again at the expense of unwelcome rodents. We may never know what the mystery animal in my house was, but ding, dong the rodent's dead! (or, at least, not taking up residence in our house)
The Last Rodent Repeller You'll Ever Need!
The Last Rodent Repeller You'll Ever Need!
Friday, November 16, 2007
The Cake Project
Thursday, November 15, 2007
A Small Victory
A quick update on the mousecapades. Plug in happened Monday mid-day in the house for the miracle machine to fend off the evil mice in my house. Tuesday morning we woke up to evidence that a mouse feasted off of our dirty dishes during the night (which my husband graciously cleaned up before the kids or I knew the difference). And came the winds of sweet victory. One of the longer mice that I've ever seen met his end last night at the suspected point-of-entry to the basement. We now know that they have been coming in from the garage. I hope they smell doom in the air and rest tonight knowing that it very well could be their last. One by one, we are going after them like a hawk circling a field! Victory will be ours!
Monday, November 12, 2007
The War Begins
I just wanted to let you all know that the machine to rid my house of rodents arrived in the mail this weekend. The war officially begins today. Nathan and I will spend some time over the next few days deep cleaning the basement and plugging the noise-maker (only to rodents, of course) in order to drive out the pests in my basement (I can say that now because Meg moved out this weekend, and she was no pest). I will keep you updated on our progress, but just rest assured tonight that we are taking the upper hand! We will be victorious!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Another Prayer Request
I have another friend (very close to the aforementioned girl of my last prayer request) who was having complications with her pregnancy (breach and trying to have a VBAC). She just went in and found out that her baby boy has spina bifida. They are running several tests this week to see how severe the genetic makeup of her son is, but they have told her that the BEST case scenario is that he will never walk or have much control of function in his lower extremities. Please add her and her family to your prayer list.
What Lies Beneath........Worse than Forcasted
So, I have received a few concerned comments about the previously mentioned rodent problem. I am now here to set your mind at ease and assure you that it truly is worse than we first thought. Let me explain....
You see, I mentioned before that this is not a new problem in our house. We have expelled enough mice in the last four months or so that I simply lost count of the unwelcome invaders. I am determined that this is far beyond living near an empty field. This is far beyond a small nuisance that requires a walk to the hardware store two blocks from home to invest five dollars in some traps. This is war!
Thursday afternoon was my breaking point. I resolved to cleanse my living room area of all evidence of the mice. Nathan helped me remove all furniture from the living room and witnessed the fact that the mice crossed the wrong girl this time. There were droppings all over the carpet underneath our furniture. I can't tell you how many toys I threw away or cleaned due to the mass contamination. It was, in essence, worse than we thought.
As if that were not enough, while we were away for the weekend, Megan was forced out of the house after coming home to two dead mice in traps downstairs and being greeted by a third trying to take in the movie she was watching upstairs (I would have reached my limit, too, and slept somewhere else). Needless to say, Megan and her fiancee removed five dead mice from the traps this weekend.
The glimmer of hope comes from this: we have not found any more mice this week and, after careful and detailed exploration of the basement, we have not found any nests. But, in fair carnal truth, war is war and the damage has already been done. I've invested $70 in field artillery. The frequency pest controller is in the mail. My girlfriend (who once had a serious mouse problem herself in the neighborhood) swears by this machine for ridding your house of peace burglers and keeping out any unwanted future house guests. I am taking back the night and taking back the control and security in my life! I don't need a cat to come make my house worse. I need technology! (Okay, so I know it's getting a little deep now, and I apologize Mom for giving you hard times about mice growing up, but this is serious stuff).
I'll keep you posted on the results.
You see, I mentioned before that this is not a new problem in our house. We have expelled enough mice in the last four months or so that I simply lost count of the unwelcome invaders. I am determined that this is far beyond living near an empty field. This is far beyond a small nuisance that requires a walk to the hardware store two blocks from home to invest five dollars in some traps. This is war!
Thursday afternoon was my breaking point. I resolved to cleanse my living room area of all evidence of the mice. Nathan helped me remove all furniture from the living room and witnessed the fact that the mice crossed the wrong girl this time. There were droppings all over the carpet underneath our furniture. I can't tell you how many toys I threw away or cleaned due to the mass contamination. It was, in essence, worse than we thought.
As if that were not enough, while we were away for the weekend, Megan was forced out of the house after coming home to two dead mice in traps downstairs and being greeted by a third trying to take in the movie she was watching upstairs (I would have reached my limit, too, and slept somewhere else). Needless to say, Megan and her fiancee removed five dead mice from the traps this weekend.
The glimmer of hope comes from this: we have not found any more mice this week and, after careful and detailed exploration of the basement, we have not found any nests. But, in fair carnal truth, war is war and the damage has already been done. I've invested $70 in field artillery. The frequency pest controller is in the mail. My girlfriend (who once had a serious mouse problem herself in the neighborhood) swears by this machine for ridding your house of peace burglers and keeping out any unwanted future house guests. I am taking back the night and taking back the control and security in my life! I don't need a cat to come make my house worse. I need technology! (Okay, so I know it's getting a little deep now, and I apologize Mom for giving you hard times about mice growing up, but this is serious stuff).
I'll keep you posted on the results.
"'I will make a covenant of peace with them and rid the land of wild beasts so that they may live in the desert and sleep in the forests in safety.'" Ezekiel 34:25
Friday, October 26, 2007
A Prayer Request
Please pray for some dear friends of ours. A couple we know moved away recently to travel with the husband's job. She lost her baby last week (I think she was around 28ish weeks along) due to some severe complications with pre-eclampsia. We almost lost our friend, as well, and her health is still a major concern. We attended the funeral today for their beloved baby. Please pray for them as they go back to a lifestyle very far from home, friends, support, and from parenthood.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
The Creature Living in MY House
There is an unidentified creature taking residence in my home. He does NOT pay rent. He is not welcome. I cannot for sure even tell you what kind of parasitic monster it is ( I know that might not be a word, but this is serious business!!!). I am not the only one to register a Smith-Ness monster sighting (wouldn't that make it Smyth-Ness given the nationality?), so don't even try to tell me that I am making this up! It is real. It is a problem.
It all started a few months ago. We have had a small mouse problem we've been attending to in our basement. Megan knew she'd have a bit cheaper rent, but I know she hasn't enjoyed the roommates down there. Anyhow, a few weeks ago now, Meg's Saturday morning sleep-in session was rudely interrupted by a four-legged creature that had an unfortunate meeting with the mouse trap. After a forty-five (yes, that's 45) minute altercation with the trap, Meg finally gave up on sleep, only to find that the "mouse" and trap both disappeared. Several of us have hunted both since, simply to come up scratching our heads at the fate of both.
Fast forward to last week. Nathan and I quickly tried to prepare the house for Naomi's first birthday party (which ended up really being an entire weekend of Ode to Naomi to follow soon). In all our efforts, we stumbled upon a neatly crafted mouse nest (I'll spare the details of just don't want to know). That small issue was taken care of.
BUT, THE REAL POINT OF THE STORY happened last night. Nathan and I returned home after a day of Nathan being sick and a late night meeting to a little couch potato action watching unfortunate events culminate into a Rockies loss, only to watch a full our assault on the house. Meg and I watched this CREATURE (definition: smaller than a bread box, bigger than a mouse, similar in size to a chipmunk, brown on top and white on bottom, the rest of the features blurred by its speed) shoot across the room from under the rocking chair to disappear into the toy corner (you know, the one where my two toddler children play with all of their toys, inserting some of them at will into their mouths....yucky eeww!).
Needless to say, I do not believe all of these mishaps to be accidental or unrelated. So, please pray for us that we can catch this sucker that is totally not invited to live here and that we can clean the house before my children contract Ricin (that's right, the incurable disease carried by small animals of the rodent variety). We are in the midst of running "Operation: Small foot" in order to rid our house of all unwanted living organisms (well, and some wanted as Megan chose to start moving out on her own...we love you and realize that it is good for you to get your own place, so you and Dustin have a place in a few weeks. But, we will miss you!). Until then, I will let you in on the details of the extermination.
It all started a few months ago. We have had a small mouse problem we've been attending to in our basement. Megan knew she'd have a bit cheaper rent, but I know she hasn't enjoyed the roommates down there. Anyhow, a few weeks ago now, Meg's Saturday morning sleep-in session was rudely interrupted by a four-legged creature that had an unfortunate meeting with the mouse trap. After a forty-five (yes, that's 45) minute altercation with the trap, Meg finally gave up on sleep, only to find that the "mouse" and trap both disappeared. Several of us have hunted both since, simply to come up scratching our heads at the fate of both.
Fast forward to last week. Nathan and I quickly tried to prepare the house for Naomi's first birthday party (which ended up really being an entire weekend of Ode to Naomi to follow soon). In all our efforts, we stumbled upon a neatly crafted mouse nest (I'll spare the details of just don't want to know). That small issue was taken care of.
BUT, THE REAL POINT OF THE STORY happened last night. Nathan and I returned home after a day of Nathan being sick and a late night meeting to a little couch potato action watching unfortunate events culminate into a Rockies loss, only to watch a full our assault on the house. Meg and I watched this CREATURE (definition: smaller than a bread box, bigger than a mouse, similar in size to a chipmunk, brown on top and white on bottom, the rest of the features blurred by its speed) shoot across the room from under the rocking chair to disappear into the toy corner (you know, the one where my two toddler children play with all of their toys, inserting some of them at will into their mouths....yucky eeww!).
Needless to say, I do not believe all of these mishaps to be accidental or unrelated. So, please pray for us that we can catch this sucker that is totally not invited to live here and that we can clean the house before my children contract Ricin (that's right, the incurable disease carried by small animals of the rodent variety). We are in the midst of running "Operation: Small foot" in order to rid our house of all unwanted living organisms (well, and some wanted as Megan chose to start moving out on her own...we love you and realize that it is good for you to get your own place, so you and Dustin have a place in a few weeks. But, we will miss you!). Until then, I will let you in on the details of the extermination.
Matthew 10:28, "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
John 10:10, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
Saturday, October 13, 2007
The Dreaded Dr.
Dear Mom,
I'd like to take a minute to apologize for all of the time and money that was WASTED at the doctor's office. We all know that no one gets in and out quickly of the black hole occupying the doctor's office. And, for some unresearched reason, there are healing properties that children experience by simply walking through the door (someone should investigate that more).
On my last wasted trip, I got the same remark...."You are doing a fine job as a mother, but there is simply nothing trivially wrong with your child" like it was an inconvenience to take my $30 co-pay (and don't even get me started on my health insurance rant....what a racket!). Maybe there should be a place to sight that as a reason of neglect to social services.
So, again, I apologize for all of the times that we cried and whinned that we were truly sick.....and not. I am sorry that you spent years of your life that you can never have back waiting for incompetent nurses and rude doctors to tell you what we should have....that you are a great mother with mildly sick children. I really regret that you wasted all of that money that should have gone into an investment account to make us both weathier. Thank you for carrying good health insurance and getting to the bottom of wierd rashes and mild fevers and wierd phantom stomach pains. You really are a good mom.
With Love,
Your Favorite (and Apologetic) Daughter
I'd like to take a minute to apologize for all of the time and money that was WASTED at the doctor's office. We all know that no one gets in and out quickly of the black hole occupying the doctor's office. And, for some unresearched reason, there are healing properties that children experience by simply walking through the door (someone should investigate that more).
On my last wasted trip, I got the same remark...."You are doing a fine job as a mother, but there is simply nothing trivially wrong with your child" like it was an inconvenience to take my $30 co-pay (and don't even get me started on my health insurance rant....what a racket!). Maybe there should be a place to sight that as a reason of neglect to social services.
So, again, I apologize for all of the times that we cried and whinned that we were truly sick.....and not. I am sorry that you spent years of your life that you can never have back waiting for incompetent nurses and rude doctors to tell you what we should have....that you are a great mother with mildly sick children. I really regret that you wasted all of that money that should have gone into an investment account to make us both weathier. Thank you for carrying good health insurance and getting to the bottom of wierd rashes and mild fevers and wierd phantom stomach pains. You really are a good mom.
With Love,
Your Favorite (and Apologetic) Daughter
Monday, October 8, 2007
It Goes Too Fast!
I heard the cliche. People always tell me to enjoy things- my life, my kids, etc.- because it all goes too fast. I believed people when they gave me the advice. I even took it to heart and tried to take deep breaths while enjoying the scenery. The tragedy of it all is that, even when you stop to take in the little moments along the way, it still goes way too fast! So then, I am left with the stress that everyone tells you it goes too fast, the responsibility of trying to take in as much as I can, and the defeat that the time I try to preserve will never be enough. That is a lot of weight.
The real truth behind the mayhem is this: I have great kids and I have a great life. Every single day is a joy. And I've come to know that if I spend too much time trying to preserve what already happened I am doomed to miss the wonderment right in front of me. I froze when I heard the lyrics to Kenny Chesney's new song Don't Blink,
"Don't blink
Just like that you're six years old and you're taking naps and you
Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don't blink
You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your better half
Of fifty years is there in bed
And you're praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster than you think
So don't blink."
But then, I realized a few things. One, I am blessed to have so many memories and great events to treasure and look back on. By savoring those moments I have warm thoughts to keep on cold days. Two, there are many fun memories to come. By looking forward to them I have reason to get out of bed every morning. And three, I can only hold on to so much. I have an entire eternity of memories to hold on to. Every day will be special in its own way.
So, as I look on to what the rest of this month holds, I realize that my baby is about to have her first birthday. I only hope that the next year is filled for fun moments she wants to hold onto and remember. There is so much ahead for my little ones. I can't wait to hold their hands through it and enjoy the memories with them.
"Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them.'The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy." Psalm 126:2,3
The real truth behind the mayhem is this: I have great kids and I have a great life. Every single day is a joy. And I've come to know that if I spend too much time trying to preserve what already happened I am doomed to miss the wonderment right in front of me. I froze when I heard the lyrics to Kenny Chesney's new song Don't Blink,
"Don't blink
Just like that you're six years old and you're taking naps and you
Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don't blink
You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your better half
Of fifty years is there in bed
And you're praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster than you think
So don't blink."
But then, I realized a few things. One, I am blessed to have so many memories and great events to treasure and look back on. By savoring those moments I have warm thoughts to keep on cold days. Two, there are many fun memories to come. By looking forward to them I have reason to get out of bed every morning. And three, I can only hold on to so much. I have an entire eternity of memories to hold on to. Every day will be special in its own way.
So, as I look on to what the rest of this month holds, I realize that my baby is about to have her first birthday. I only hope that the next year is filled for fun moments she wants to hold onto and remember. There is so much ahead for my little ones. I can't wait to hold their hands through it and enjoy the memories with them.
"Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them.'The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy." Psalm 126:2,3
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
You Know You Have Kids When....
you'd rather eat your lunch cold than to risk the microwave bringing an unfortunately early end to naptime.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Here's to 120some days of madness....
Hi ho, hi ho...
Some serious planning we go
A picture on my blog I show
of Dustin and Meg
as the date they peg
Hi ho, hi ho, hi ho, hi ho.
Congrats to my sister and brother-in-law-to-be!

(You can see the ring and details at her blog Meg's Blog)
Some serious planning we go
A picture on my blog I show
of Dustin and Meg
as the date they peg
Hi ho, hi ho, hi ho, hi ho.
Congrats to my sister and brother-in-law-to-be!
(You can see the ring and details at her blog Meg's Blog)
Monday, August 27, 2007
Visions of Sugarplums....
These are a few of the scenes I see at night in my dreams...

This is one of the houses we built in Juarez over the summer (it's the size of a shed).

Megan with just a few of the kids we got to work with while we were in Juarez

A bunch of our kids in Juarez dedicating the house

Nathan & Naomi at the Cheyenne Mtn. Zoo

Jonathan at the Fair

All of us at the water park
This is one of the houses we built in Juarez over the summer (it's the size of a shed).
Megan with just a few of the kids we got to work with while we were in Juarez
A bunch of our kids in Juarez dedicating the house
Nathan & Naomi at the Cheyenne Mtn. Zoo
Jonathan at the Fair
All of us at the water park
Thursday, August 23, 2007
"I hear babies cry..."
I have to say that I think that the person who wrote What a Wonderful World did NOT have children of their own!!!!
(Note: I am still grateful to listen to crying countless moments of the day and still think that it IS a wonderful world.)
"Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—" 1 Corinthians 15:51
(Note: I am still grateful to listen to crying countless moments of the day and still think that it IS a wonderful world.)
"Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed—" 1 Corinthians 15:51
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
You Know You Have Kids When....
I fully intend on posting some new pics.....just as soon as we fish the cord that connects the camera to the computer out of the dog's old water jug that the kids were playing with. Honestly, I don't know how it got there, but I imagine that it had to do with something after Jonathan was playing lasso the dog with it.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The Meaning of Life
I feel like there is a void on my blog of what the last several weeks have meant to me. I think that it is kind of like when you go off to college your first year and then come back for the summer. You feel like you have changed so much and others have, too, and it is just so hard to find a jumping off point to explain what is so different.
So, I'll try to be brief AND complete (that might be hard). Nathan and I (and a handful of other adults) took our youth group and young adult group to Juarez, Mexico on a week-long mission trip to build two houses (really glorified shacks that are wired with electricity if the families wish to hook it up) and put on a few Vacation Bible Schools for the local kids. Impoverished does not quite explain the standard of living, especially in the areas outside the city where we worked (we stayed more "in town" in a church). It was such a blessing to touch families and bless them with what to us would be little. The biggest lessons I learned were that God doesn't need a schedule to work, but He uses us when we are prepared and waiting to join Him where He is working and that God's faithfulness really sets His believers apart when they show that to a world that really lacks in integrity and faithfulness.
We turned around from doing that to a week of preparation for our church's VBS. I was put in charge of that this year and helped train some people to continue that work in the future. We had over 100 different kids (many of whom do not regularly attend a "church function") come through our doors over three days. The theme was "Everyday Superhero." Nathan dressed up like a superhero (tights and all) who did not have any super power. The kids all got to learn about the superheros in the Bible, real-life heroes of the faith, and most importantly how they can have a superhero everyday when they ask Jesus into their heart. It was powerful to watch workers come together and plant seed of knowledge into these kids that will impact them for years to come.
Then, God gave us a week of rest. Nathan took a whole week off work, and we vacationed from home. The kids got to go to the zoo, the county fair, Broncos Training Camp, spent a night and Grandma and Papa Rick's house, go to an outdoor pool, and rest in the in-between parts. It was a nice balance of going, doing, being, and resting. God was sure faithful to fill our cups again after we had been obedient to serve Him.
And so now, what have I learned? I spent some time in Ecclesiates this summer and realized how important it is to enjoy the different seasons of life, the little moments along the way, and the memories that fill the walls of my home and the annuls of my heart. There are so many opportunities that pop up, and I've learned to be more spontanious and intentional about listening for opportunities to play and serve. I've learned to be a little more organized and prepared so that I am ready at a moment's notice.
I prepared my fall schedule to be open and flexible by cutting out most of the fluff. So, it shouldn't surprise anyone that God ordained that my time be filled with something else. I will be the JV volleyball coach assisting Matthew at Kiowa this year (barring any other strange political move). Camp started this week, two-a-days start next week. It wasn't quite the new "season" of life I anticipated, but I can't wait to see what God has in store for it!
"...But we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly."
Romans 5:3-6
So, I'll try to be brief AND complete (that might be hard). Nathan and I (and a handful of other adults) took our youth group and young adult group to Juarez, Mexico on a week-long mission trip to build two houses (really glorified shacks that are wired with electricity if the families wish to hook it up) and put on a few Vacation Bible Schools for the local kids. Impoverished does not quite explain the standard of living, especially in the areas outside the city where we worked (we stayed more "in town" in a church). It was such a blessing to touch families and bless them with what to us would be little. The biggest lessons I learned were that God doesn't need a schedule to work, but He uses us when we are prepared and waiting to join Him where He is working and that God's faithfulness really sets His believers apart when they show that to a world that really lacks in integrity and faithfulness.
We turned around from doing that to a week of preparation for our church's VBS. I was put in charge of that this year and helped train some people to continue that work in the future. We had over 100 different kids (many of whom do not regularly attend a "church function") come through our doors over three days. The theme was "Everyday Superhero." Nathan dressed up like a superhero (tights and all) who did not have any super power. The kids all got to learn about the superheros in the Bible, real-life heroes of the faith, and most importantly how they can have a superhero everyday when they ask Jesus into their heart. It was powerful to watch workers come together and plant seed of knowledge into these kids that will impact them for years to come.
Then, God gave us a week of rest. Nathan took a whole week off work, and we vacationed from home. The kids got to go to the zoo, the county fair, Broncos Training Camp, spent a night and Grandma and Papa Rick's house, go to an outdoor pool, and rest in the in-between parts. It was a nice balance of going, doing, being, and resting. God was sure faithful to fill our cups again after we had been obedient to serve Him.
And so now, what have I learned? I spent some time in Ecclesiates this summer and realized how important it is to enjoy the different seasons of life, the little moments along the way, and the memories that fill the walls of my home and the annuls of my heart. There are so many opportunities that pop up, and I've learned to be more spontanious and intentional about listening for opportunities to play and serve. I've learned to be a little more organized and prepared so that I am ready at a moment's notice.
I prepared my fall schedule to be open and flexible by cutting out most of the fluff. So, it shouldn't surprise anyone that God ordained that my time be filled with something else. I will be the JV volleyball coach assisting Matthew at Kiowa this year (barring any other strange political move). Camp started this week, two-a-days start next week. It wasn't quite the new "season" of life I anticipated, but I can't wait to see what God has in store for it!
"...But we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly."
Romans 5:3-6
Monday, July 30, 2007
Happiness Is.....
Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
There are many things to catch up on blogging. But, I thought in the few precious minutes I had, that I would take a moment to reminisce about how you have been on my mind.
Last Friday, Nathan and I went on a lovely stroll at the Limon Municipal Golf Course (or at least that is their claim). I have to say that the weather was nice. I am realizing that I am a terrible golfer, but I do enjoy the time outside. Thank you again for the clubs. I made sure to use every club in the bag. I wish that had helped my game. It is a sad state of affairs when your pitching wedge is your club of choice for the day. :)
Today, we took the kids to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. The kids had a ball. They have a small area within the zoo that kids can pet chickens and goats. It reminded me of the pictures we have of us kids at the zoo with you guys. Jonathan's favorite part was the area that they allow people to feed the giraffes. I thought there was no better way to end the day than to stop by Baskin Robbins (after all, what else would Grandma do?). I made sure that the kids knew that this is something that their Great-Grandparents loved to do, too.
Jonathan would not take his nap this afternoon, so we will have to make a stop by the county fair tomorrow (the fair and rodeo are actually called "Cowboy Up" if you believe that!). He has been begging to go see the sheep, the pigs, the horses, and the cows. He loves the farm (he must have a little Jones in him yet). Hopefully, we will spend some time there this week while Nathan is taking some vacation time. We love you guys and miss you lots. Until we see you soon, we will have sweet dreams and fun thoughts of you and all the memories we treasure in our hearts of you(I can almost smell the chicken-fried steak, cheese beans and potatoes and see the Happiness Is book if I close my eyes)!
With Love, Your Favorite Granddaughter and her crew
"I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete." 2 John 1:12
There are many things to catch up on blogging. But, I thought in the few precious minutes I had, that I would take a moment to reminisce about how you have been on my mind.
Last Friday, Nathan and I went on a lovely stroll at the Limon Municipal Golf Course (or at least that is their claim). I have to say that the weather was nice. I am realizing that I am a terrible golfer, but I do enjoy the time outside. Thank you again for the clubs. I made sure to use every club in the bag. I wish that had helped my game. It is a sad state of affairs when your pitching wedge is your club of choice for the day. :)
Today, we took the kids to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. The kids had a ball. They have a small area within the zoo that kids can pet chickens and goats. It reminded me of the pictures we have of us kids at the zoo with you guys. Jonathan's favorite part was the area that they allow people to feed the giraffes. I thought there was no better way to end the day than to stop by Baskin Robbins (after all, what else would Grandma do?). I made sure that the kids knew that this is something that their Great-Grandparents loved to do, too.
Jonathan would not take his nap this afternoon, so we will have to make a stop by the county fair tomorrow (the fair and rodeo are actually called "Cowboy Up" if you believe that!). He has been begging to go see the sheep, the pigs, the horses, and the cows. He loves the farm (he must have a little Jones in him yet). Hopefully, we will spend some time there this week while Nathan is taking some vacation time. We love you guys and miss you lots. Until we see you soon, we will have sweet dreams and fun thoughts of you and all the memories we treasure in our hearts of you(I can almost smell the chicken-fried steak, cheese beans and potatoes and see the Happiness Is book if I close my eyes)!
With Love, Your Favorite Granddaughter and her crew
"I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete." 2 John 1:12
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
The New Clean
"For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit, through whom also he went and preached to the spirits in prison who disobeyed long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into heaven and is at God's right hand—with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him." 1 Peter 3:18-22
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The Bright Spots
It seems as though life is like a grain harvest. Now, at the risk of sounding a little Forrest Gump here, I realize that this sounds like a typical parent lecture that drones on and on along a winding path ending abruptly with some important life lesson which probably was better explained in one short sentence, but hang with me here.
I digress....a grain harvest. It takes a lot of work to bring in all of the events, or grain, in ones life. Sometimes it is poor weather, other times you are forced to bring in the hay early due to external conditions. And the grain is not even usable when first cut. You then have to process it, take the useful parts from the trash, and store it for when it is needed. Then, you get to decide if it is more valuable when used for your own purposes or when it is sold to others for a profit.
It seems lately that there has been a great need to glean out the good, toss aside the bad, focus on the bright spots, learn and cherish what I gain the most from, and pass along some of the rest to others around me (oh the joy that it would be to have all the time in the world to write a book that would gain us money and pass along ideas to others....maybe that is a retirement job). I feel like there is a harvesting season in my near future. Those are exciting because of what you glean, it is just hard to look forward to all the work. I keep reminding myself to focus on the bright spots, enjoy the process, and wait for the payoff.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. ~Philippians 4:8
I digress....a grain harvest. It takes a lot of work to bring in all of the events, or grain, in ones life. Sometimes it is poor weather, other times you are forced to bring in the hay early due to external conditions. And the grain is not even usable when first cut. You then have to process it, take the useful parts from the trash, and store it for when it is needed. Then, you get to decide if it is more valuable when used for your own purposes or when it is sold to others for a profit.
It seems lately that there has been a great need to glean out the good, toss aside the bad, focus on the bright spots, learn and cherish what I gain the most from, and pass along some of the rest to others around me (oh the joy that it would be to have all the time in the world to write a book that would gain us money and pass along ideas to others....maybe that is a retirement job). I feel like there is a harvesting season in my near future. Those are exciting because of what you glean, it is just hard to look forward to all the work. I keep reminding myself to focus on the bright spots, enjoy the process, and wait for the payoff.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. ~Philippians 4:8
Friday, June 15, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Mom, I'm Sorry for Hiding Things Around the House...
I now realize how much our little scavenger hunts cost. Between Megan hiding Flinstone vitamins everywhere (and I mean everywhere....I am sure someone now owns a used piece of furniture or two that have molding Freds all stuck in it. Did she ever manage to get one down?) to us making a "secret stash" of Hershey's kisses at Grandma's house and everything in between, I now understand how messy these games tend to be.
Jonathan decided somewhere along the course of the weekend to take up the tradition. I discovered this on a day that I had just enought time to get ready and bake a loaf of banana bread before I added two more kids to my madness for the morning. Jonathan has become facinated with the stove. So, instead of putting one of his picnic-style plastic plates where it actually goes, he opted to stash it away in the oven. How unfortunate it is that I didn't check the oven BEFORE I preheated it for the bread.
It seems that the plates are microwave and dishwasher safe, but not "preheat to 350 degrees" safe. When I opened the oven to put in the loaf of bread (you know, so I could have the rare chance to eat a warm breakfast), there greeted me a puddle of now puke-green plastic decorated with strings of plate remnants dangling from both grill shelves. We immediately turned off the oven, but it was too late. Nathan managed to scrape the plastic from the bottom of the oven and clean a grill off (cutting the cooled plastic was a HUGE job). Needless to say, it took most of the day to recover from the hide-and-go-seek game.
I am so sorry that we hid things everywhere. I have learned my lesson. And, in the future, I promise to always check the oven before I turn it on.
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. ~Matthew 7:7-8
Jonathan decided somewhere along the course of the weekend to take up the tradition. I discovered this on a day that I had just enought time to get ready and bake a loaf of banana bread before I added two more kids to my madness for the morning. Jonathan has become facinated with the stove. So, instead of putting one of his picnic-style plastic plates where it actually goes, he opted to stash it away in the oven. How unfortunate it is that I didn't check the oven BEFORE I preheated it for the bread.
It seems that the plates are microwave and dishwasher safe, but not "preheat to 350 degrees" safe. When I opened the oven to put in the loaf of bread (you know, so I could have the rare chance to eat a warm breakfast), there greeted me a puddle of now puke-green plastic decorated with strings of plate remnants dangling from both grill shelves. We immediately turned off the oven, but it was too late. Nathan managed to scrape the plastic from the bottom of the oven and clean a grill off (cutting the cooled plastic was a HUGE job). Needless to say, it took most of the day to recover from the hide-and-go-seek game.
I am so sorry that we hid things everywhere. I have learned my lesson. And, in the future, I promise to always check the oven before I turn it on.
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. ~Matthew 7:7-8
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood?
Has your day ever felt like a rerun episode of Sesame Street? All morning we ran through things like, "" I just heard Grover in the back of my head. "One of these things is not like the other..." I know that you are running all of the songs in the back of your head, too. I had to finally turn on some grown-up music when I pulled out the, "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten...(in a whisper) eleven, twelve!"
Oh, Mom. I am so sorry that you had to endure countless hours of things like the "Follow that Bird" soundtrack, Sesame Street, the Little Thinker, and books on tape that did that awful xylophone thing to signal a page turn. How did you not pull your hair out?
Yet, in the midst of the mundane, it is so fun watching my two little ones discover their little worlds. Even when that includes Going on a Bear Hunt for the twentieth time and a countless round of "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes!" it is worth it to watch them learn.
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. ~I Thessalonians 5:16-18
Oh, Mom. I am so sorry that you had to endure countless hours of things like the "Follow that Bird" soundtrack, Sesame Street, the Little Thinker, and books on tape that did that awful xylophone thing to signal a page turn. How did you not pull your hair out?
Yet, in the midst of the mundane, it is so fun watching my two little ones discover their little worlds. Even when that includes Going on a Bear Hunt for the twentieth time and a countless round of "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes!" it is worth it to watch them learn.
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. ~I Thessalonians 5:16-18
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
I am almost hesitant to put up a post, because I am so pleased that the pictures finally got posted. I don't want them to move down on the page.
Quick Update...Naomi started crawling yesterday. She didn't really realize what she'd done. Then she got frustrated that she couldn't do it again. She then wanted to inch around on her head with her feet flat on the floor. Today, she's wanted to learn how to walk all day. What happened to my peaceful little baby?
The garden is in sad shape. I hope that we can revive some of it. Between the snow, cool weather, and hail-ridden thunderstorms, it has endured a lot.
That's about all the news. I need to shove off and take advantage of nap time.
As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me strength. Psalm 138:3 NLT
Quick Update...Naomi started crawling yesterday. She didn't really realize what she'd done. Then she got frustrated that she couldn't do it again. She then wanted to inch around on her head with her feet flat on the floor. Today, she's wanted to learn how to walk all day. What happened to my peaceful little baby?
The garden is in sad shape. I hope that we can revive some of it. Between the snow, cool weather, and hail-ridden thunderstorms, it has endured a lot.
That's about all the news. I need to shove off and take advantage of nap time.
As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me strength. Psalm 138:3 NLT
Friday, June 1, 2007
Honoring Heros & Conquering Fears
I am about to post some new pictures, but I had a great story to pass along in the meantime....
Nathan and I were sitting with the kids in Burger King earlier this afternoon. It was a pretty regular trip for us into town and the natives were restless for lunch. After an agonizing few minutes of ordering our food from the finest a low unemployment economy has to offer, we finally sat down to our food. Halfway through our meal, a strange occurrence for Parker, CO happened-- two Army soldiers walked into the establishment in desert fatigues.
The man and woman stuck out against the crowd and drew many stares from the patrons. They ended up sitting in the booth right behind me (obviously as frazzled as I was from trying to get our order right with the girl behind the counter). My children seemed unfazed, not knowing the gravity of the lifestyle these two lead. However, there was a couple of families coming out of the play place. A woman held the hand of her two daughters, and one of them slowed her pace as they asked the pair in amazement, "Are you SOLDIERS?" The man politely answered, "Why, yes we are." The girl's eyes filled with awe as a smile crossed her face.
Her mother quickly added a quiet, "thank you" to the soldiers as she hurried her kids off to the car. But the whole scene was so beautiful. It reminded me that my own generation has not forgotten the importance of honoring those who serve their country. I was so humbled at the picture, but I was so filled with pride that these soldiers were honored in such a small and meaningful way.
Jonathan finished with his chicken nuggets and ambled onto the playground. This is always a discouraging time, because the inner workings of the confusing slides always cause great anxiety for him. But today, he decided, was different. For the first time he dared to take a step of faith and battle his fear head-on. He climbed up into the fort and ran his little heart off in delight. He not only tackled a big mountain, but he also remembered to take his time enjoying the reward. I was well-pleased with his small step out into the abyss we call independence.
What a day to celebrate the little things that happen along the way!
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand." Ephesians 6:12-13
Nathan and I were sitting with the kids in Burger King earlier this afternoon. It was a pretty regular trip for us into town and the natives were restless for lunch. After an agonizing few minutes of ordering our food from the finest a low unemployment economy has to offer, we finally sat down to our food. Halfway through our meal, a strange occurrence for Parker, CO happened-- two Army soldiers walked into the establishment in desert fatigues.
The man and woman stuck out against the crowd and drew many stares from the patrons. They ended up sitting in the booth right behind me (obviously as frazzled as I was from trying to get our order right with the girl behind the counter). My children seemed unfazed, not knowing the gravity of the lifestyle these two lead. However, there was a couple of families coming out of the play place. A woman held the hand of her two daughters, and one of them slowed her pace as they asked the pair in amazement, "Are you SOLDIERS?" The man politely answered, "Why, yes we are." The girl's eyes filled with awe as a smile crossed her face.
Her mother quickly added a quiet, "thank you" to the soldiers as she hurried her kids off to the car. But the whole scene was so beautiful. It reminded me that my own generation has not forgotten the importance of honoring those who serve their country. I was so humbled at the picture, but I was so filled with pride that these soldiers were honored in such a small and meaningful way.
Jonathan finished with his chicken nuggets and ambled onto the playground. This is always a discouraging time, because the inner workings of the confusing slides always cause great anxiety for him. But today, he decided, was different. For the first time he dared to take a step of faith and battle his fear head-on. He climbed up into the fort and ran his little heart off in delight. He not only tackled a big mountain, but he also remembered to take his time enjoying the reward. I was well-pleased with his small step out into the abyss we call independence.
What a day to celebrate the little things that happen along the way!
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand." Ephesians 6:12-13
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
I Haven't Left the Planet
I have avoided my blog lately. I feel like a bad mother because of the lack of pictures I've posted lately. So, I intentionally haven't blogged thinking, "I will get my next post on when I have a picture of Jonathan to put up." Sadly, instead of motivating me, it pushed me into self-wallowing and non communication. So, I'll give you the quick update and add another thing to the list that my children will take with them into counselling as an adult.....
Things here are fine. We've had a LOT of rain, sleet, snow, hail, and all-around cold weather. Yesterday got a little dicey in the afternoon, but the real loser in the weather department is my garden. We lost a cucumber plant in yesterday's storm, and it just hasn't been warm enough for the garden to produce much out of all the moisture. Such is life.
The kids are great. Naomi refuses to actually crawl, but I call what she does teleporting due to the rapid speed that she moves in between the glaces I give her. Jonathan continues to talk and talk and talk. He got a haircut this weekend for Smith Family pictures that makes him look much older. Naomi is pulling up on things now. It won't be long until trouble finds her. Avery the dog is doing quite well. We pull a small poodle in hair off of her twice a week, but she does great with playing with Naomi.
Nathan and I are doing well. I have been put in charge of VBS this year (the theme is "Everyday Superhero"... do you think I have a little boy at home?), and I am dragging many other people with me. We are doing three very simple days. I'll let you know how that works. Between summer league baseball once a week, men's softball, and our coed team, Nathan is staying busy. He is quite involved right now with taking care of details for our youth mission trip to Mexico. Please pray that all of those plans come together and we are able to finish all the fundraising for that.
Alright, I will let you back to your life. Look for pictures soon!
"For the Lord your God is He who goes before you, to fight against your enemies, to save you." Deuteronomy 20:4
Things here are fine. We've had a LOT of rain, sleet, snow, hail, and all-around cold weather. Yesterday got a little dicey in the afternoon, but the real loser in the weather department is my garden. We lost a cucumber plant in yesterday's storm, and it just hasn't been warm enough for the garden to produce much out of all the moisture. Such is life.
The kids are great. Naomi refuses to actually crawl, but I call what she does teleporting due to the rapid speed that she moves in between the glaces I give her. Jonathan continues to talk and talk and talk. He got a haircut this weekend for Smith Family pictures that makes him look much older. Naomi is pulling up on things now. It won't be long until trouble finds her. Avery the dog is doing quite well. We pull a small poodle in hair off of her twice a week, but she does great with playing with Naomi.
Nathan and I are doing well. I have been put in charge of VBS this year (the theme is "Everyday Superhero"... do you think I have a little boy at home?), and I am dragging many other people with me. We are doing three very simple days. I'll let you know how that works. Between summer league baseball once a week, men's softball, and our coed team, Nathan is staying busy. He is quite involved right now with taking care of details for our youth mission trip to Mexico. Please pray that all of those plans come together and we are able to finish all the fundraising for that.
Alright, I will let you back to your life. Look for pictures soon!
"For the Lord your God is He who goes before you, to fight against your enemies, to save you." Deuteronomy 20:4
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Barking Orders
Apparently, my two year old thinks that he commands the post around here. Yesterday, it took him five minutes to decide what to drink (as if we have more choices than Starbucks....dream on, kiddo!). He had to decide the color of the cup, and the kind of drink (,, apple, milk mommy!....water!!!!). I fully expect to hear him spout of some 2% half-caff mochachino mumbo jumbo before long. What can I say, the kid knows what he wants (or explains it out loud until he decides). I suppose that it was my lot in life to parent a strong-willed child.
But, the funniest thing happened last night. We are at the dinner table, and Jonathan is eating his hamburger and applesauce next to me. Meg and Nathan are at the table witnessing the sight for the first time. Jonathan leans over to me and says, "Mommy, give me some..." as he extends his fist for me to pound. I thought Meg was going to swallow her tongue she was laughing so hard. It is really funny to see pop culture infiltrating a two year old.
We won our first softball game last night 18-11. A fun night all around. We bought the plants yesterday to start the garden. That is one of the best things to look forward to in summertime. Especially with the price of produce going up! Hope all is well with you and yours!
But, the funniest thing happened last night. We are at the dinner table, and Jonathan is eating his hamburger and applesauce next to me. Meg and Nathan are at the table witnessing the sight for the first time. Jonathan leans over to me and says, "Mommy, give me some..." as he extends his fist for me to pound. I thought Meg was going to swallow her tongue she was laughing so hard. It is really funny to see pop culture infiltrating a two year old.
We won our first softball game last night 18-11. A fun night all around. We bought the plants yesterday to start the garden. That is one of the best things to look forward to in summertime. Especially with the price of produce going up! Hope all is well with you and yours!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
Mom, I am really sorry that you had to put up with us during the days that nothing seemed to go your way. I now understand how many years this took off of your life, and I hope that the laughter and stories you gained from such occasions helped to replenish your lifeline.
My full grasp of this phenomenon came yesterday. It started the same, if not better, than any other day. Nathan left for work at 8:45 a.m. on the grounds that I would see him at the church just 45 short minutes later to tie up some loose ends before our moms group met. Who knew that in such a small span of time that life could take on such chaos?
Jonathan promptly walked out the unlocked front door. When confronted on why, he simply replied, "I'm going on a walk, Mom." (direct quote) He was unimpressed with my rebuttal that we don't go on walks by ourselves, but was more taken to chase the stray kitten running around our house. When I caught him to take him inside, I was greeted by Avery the dog running out of our house to join in the cat chasing fun (she is a sucker for a good cat chase, we've found). I got both of them wrangled into the house and seriously thought in my head, "That was fun...I guess now we have our fun story for the morning." How silly of me to dream of it being over.
Naomi needed new clothes. I took her upstairs, set her on her changing table, and watched as she kicked EVERYTHING off of it. I tried to keep her on it, pick up the mess, and find her an outfit. We took her downstairs (where I could keep an eye on both kids) and literally wrestled her into her clothes, taking small breaks to clean up the spit-up and referee Jonathan. He got in trouble for playing in the dog food, leading to the next episode.
I took him to the bathroom, where he didn't have to go repeatedly. Then he got a time out in his room. This leads to the token screaming, which gave me a chance to finish changing Naomi. However, the screaming stopped. And we all know, where there is smoke, there is fire (proverbial, of course). I went into his room only to find poop everywhere. Cleaning up the mess, I should have known that it would lead to a day with seven accidents and me quitting potty training. But, I held out hope for the day.
That led to the next mishap. I started smelling something strange. And we all know, where there is smoke, there is fire....literally this time. I found Jonathan's denim hat in a metal mixing bowl on the table that reflected the sunlight at just the right angle to burn a hole in the hat! (not kidding) Who would have thought. So, the morning completed itself by me trying to pop popcorn, only to burn the first bag, make a perfect bag, empty the good bag into a Ziploc bag, and culminating with the fact that hot kernels melt through plastic bag (who would have known?) and chasing the stupid stray cat out of our garage (cat starts with "c" and kitten starts with "k" amongst yourselves).
All that, and I was only ten minutes late to my group. Mom, I understand that there are just days that go this way. Unfortunately, the day continued that way. Thank you for watching the kids through the afternoon so I could finish our errands. Only a mother who had fought through not having that ability could know that was exactly what I needed. I am so glad that you could rest on a Savior whose mercies are new every morning. How great is His faithfulness. Thanks for letting us build your character a bit. I am sure that we gave you more than your share!
With Love,
Your Favorite Daughter, Kendra
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ~Lamentations 3:22-23
My full grasp of this phenomenon came yesterday. It started the same, if not better, than any other day. Nathan left for work at 8:45 a.m. on the grounds that I would see him at the church just 45 short minutes later to tie up some loose ends before our moms group met. Who knew that in such a small span of time that life could take on such chaos?
Jonathan promptly walked out the unlocked front door. When confronted on why, he simply replied, "I'm going on a walk, Mom." (direct quote) He was unimpressed with my rebuttal that we don't go on walks by ourselves, but was more taken to chase the stray kitten running around our house. When I caught him to take him inside, I was greeted by Avery the dog running out of our house to join in the cat chasing fun (she is a sucker for a good cat chase, we've found). I got both of them wrangled into the house and seriously thought in my head, "That was fun...I guess now we have our fun story for the morning." How silly of me to dream of it being over.
Naomi needed new clothes. I took her upstairs, set her on her changing table, and watched as she kicked EVERYTHING off of it. I tried to keep her on it, pick up the mess, and find her an outfit. We took her downstairs (where I could keep an eye on both kids) and literally wrestled her into her clothes, taking small breaks to clean up the spit-up and referee Jonathan. He got in trouble for playing in the dog food, leading to the next episode.
I took him to the bathroom, where he didn't have to go repeatedly. Then he got a time out in his room. This leads to the token screaming, which gave me a chance to finish changing Naomi. However, the screaming stopped. And we all know, where there is smoke, there is fire (proverbial, of course). I went into his room only to find poop everywhere. Cleaning up the mess, I should have known that it would lead to a day with seven accidents and me quitting potty training. But, I held out hope for the day.
That led to the next mishap. I started smelling something strange. And we all know, where there is smoke, there is fire....literally this time. I found Jonathan's denim hat in a metal mixing bowl on the table that reflected the sunlight at just the right angle to burn a hole in the hat! (not kidding) Who would have thought. So, the morning completed itself by me trying to pop popcorn, only to burn the first bag, make a perfect bag, empty the good bag into a Ziploc bag, and culminating with the fact that hot kernels melt through plastic bag (who would have known?) and chasing the stupid stray cat out of our garage (cat starts with "c" and kitten starts with "k" amongst yourselves).
All that, and I was only ten minutes late to my group. Mom, I understand that there are just days that go this way. Unfortunately, the day continued that way. Thank you for watching the kids through the afternoon so I could finish our errands. Only a mother who had fought through not having that ability could know that was exactly what I needed. I am so glad that you could rest on a Savior whose mercies are new every morning. How great is His faithfulness. Thanks for letting us build your character a bit. I am sure that we gave you more than your share!
With Love,
Your Favorite Daughter, Kendra
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ~Lamentations 3:22-23
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Death of a Vision
I realized something again this week. I love the feeling of realizing something that you've known all along, but it feels like it has new meaning. It is like hearing a joke for the twentieth time, only to realize that it means something different in adulthood than it did as a kid....and it's even funnier now.
I realize now as an adult that our visions of what we want and what we think is best must die. They must come to an end one way or another. These visions that we spend hours daydreaming about or delicately planning must either come to fruition or die. I used to think that when visions for our lives or futures died it was sad or tragic even. I now realize that, in the end, it doesn't matter how the vision really leads to the same place. For the death of a vision really births a new beginning. It causes you to come to a place where you dare to dream of what is really possible in life. We allow God to place new desires on our hearts and lead us places that we never thought of going.
Sometimes, we look forward to visions dying. My family has gone through a tremendous trial and legal battle that finally turned a closing page. What a blessing and burden to leave behind by saying goodbye to a chapter that none of us asked for. We are so thankful that God answered our prayers and let that chapter die. We can't wait to see the possibilities that unfold from that.
Other visions are sad to let go of. Nathan's baseball team lost in regionals last week. It was a tragic end to a stellar season. And, though it is nice to dream of him being home a little more in the evenings, it is sad to walk away from the season that he loved. I am so proud of the progress that he made with the boys that he worked with and the committment to growing their character that he and the head coach have.
But, when God says in Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart" He means that He will give us our desires, not that He will fulill the desires that we have for ourselves. I can't wait to see what fun things He has ahead for us. His plans are always bigger than I can dream for myself. It reminds me to teach my kids to dream big and have big faith!
I realize now as an adult that our visions of what we want and what we think is best must die. They must come to an end one way or another. These visions that we spend hours daydreaming about or delicately planning must either come to fruition or die. I used to think that when visions for our lives or futures died it was sad or tragic even. I now realize that, in the end, it doesn't matter how the vision really leads to the same place. For the death of a vision really births a new beginning. It causes you to come to a place where you dare to dream of what is really possible in life. We allow God to place new desires on our hearts and lead us places that we never thought of going.
Sometimes, we look forward to visions dying. My family has gone through a tremendous trial and legal battle that finally turned a closing page. What a blessing and burden to leave behind by saying goodbye to a chapter that none of us asked for. We are so thankful that God answered our prayers and let that chapter die. We can't wait to see the possibilities that unfold from that.
Other visions are sad to let go of. Nathan's baseball team lost in regionals last week. It was a tragic end to a stellar season. And, though it is nice to dream of him being home a little more in the evenings, it is sad to walk away from the season that he loved. I am so proud of the progress that he made with the boys that he worked with and the committment to growing their character that he and the head coach have.
But, when God says in Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart" He means that He will give us our desires, not that He will fulill the desires that we have for ourselves. I can't wait to see what fun things He has ahead for us. His plans are always bigger than I can dream for myself. It reminds me to teach my kids to dream big and have big faith!
Monday, May 7, 2007
Weekend Update
So, this won't be any award-winning writing noteworthy of Tina Fey, but here are a few of the highlights.
Nathan's team won both games on Saturday. Translation: Kiowa is the district champion, and they play next weekend in the regional tournament. They like their chances of moving on, but the team's focus is the two games on Saturday in Northglenn. We'll see how it goes. It is the first time they've gone this far since Nathan's brother played.
It has come to my attention that I don't have as many pictures posted of Jonathan on the site. Let me assure you that he is doing quite well, I just can't get him to be still enough for a picture. I hope to post another one soon.
As for everything else, unfortunately it is business as usual. The softball season gets underway next week. That is about all the excitement I have time for.
"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17
Nathan's team won both games on Saturday. Translation: Kiowa is the district champion, and they play next weekend in the regional tournament. They like their chances of moving on, but the team's focus is the two games on Saturday in Northglenn. We'll see how it goes. It is the first time they've gone this far since Nathan's brother played.
It has come to my attention that I don't have as many pictures posted of Jonathan on the site. Let me assure you that he is doing quite well, I just can't get him to be still enough for a picture. I hope to post another one soon.
As for everything else, unfortunately it is business as usual. The softball season gets underway next week. That is about all the excitement I have time for.
"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Our Deepest Fear
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I
to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
~Marianne Williamson
From A Return to Love
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may
see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 NKJV
~Marianne Williamson
From A Return to Love
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may
see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 NKJV
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow
We dug out most of yesterday. We had a foot of snow here. It was so wet, the snow was bluish and looked like it contained washer fluid. They say that if the temperature had been 5-10 degrees cooler we would have had 40 inches of snow.
The funniest story of the day was that, due to the immediate warm-up, we tried to get out right after the storm. With massive power outages due to downed branches and grid issues, the grocery store had been on power generators for most of Tuesday. Kiowa and the surrounding areas were without power at least most of Tuesday and some into Wednesday. Anyway, we decided to load up the stir-crazy children for a romp in the truck while we went to the church on an excursion to get Nathan's work stuff to work from home. We promptly stuck the truck in a snow drift in the church parking lot.
Now, the words "snow drift" don't really do justice to the massive mountain of snow that the truck high-centered on. Nathan actually kicked at the door to move the snow that blocked him into the truck. The drift, at the point we were stuck at, was over four feet high! It took Nathan and I an hour to dig out the truck until a friend of ours, who works maintaining state roads, came and drug us out with a huge front loader. Jonathan was thrilled to see the "big truck" move us. He was delighted with our little adventure. Needless to say, Nathan and I were quite happy to be home and over our need to brave the elements.
I suppose that we all have storms that catch us off guard in our life. We all get frustrated when the elements change unexpectedly, or we misread the predictions and the storm lingers longer than its welcome. We are forced to dig out and elated when we see a familiar face willing to tow us out of the mess we tried desperately to avoid in the first place. Jesus said in Matthew, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life..But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matt. 6:27,33-34)
I am always awed by how little Jonathan worries. I wish that I could bottle up his trust in us and his Heavenly Father and store it for my days of little faith. Jonathan and I spent some precious time last night on our knees praying for Nathan while he had an important meeting. It reminds me daily to enjoy the adventure and leave the details to God. His plan is always better than mine!
The funniest story of the day was that, due to the immediate warm-up, we tried to get out right after the storm. With massive power outages due to downed branches and grid issues, the grocery store had been on power generators for most of Tuesday. Kiowa and the surrounding areas were without power at least most of Tuesday and some into Wednesday. Anyway, we decided to load up the stir-crazy children for a romp in the truck while we went to the church on an excursion to get Nathan's work stuff to work from home. We promptly stuck the truck in a snow drift in the church parking lot.
Now, the words "snow drift" don't really do justice to the massive mountain of snow that the truck high-centered on. Nathan actually kicked at the door to move the snow that blocked him into the truck. The drift, at the point we were stuck at, was over four feet high! It took Nathan and I an hour to dig out the truck until a friend of ours, who works maintaining state roads, came and drug us out with a huge front loader. Jonathan was thrilled to see the "big truck" move us. He was delighted with our little adventure. Needless to say, Nathan and I were quite happy to be home and over our need to brave the elements.
I suppose that we all have storms that catch us off guard in our life. We all get frustrated when the elements change unexpectedly, or we misread the predictions and the storm lingers longer than its welcome. We are forced to dig out and elated when we see a familiar face willing to tow us out of the mess we tried desperately to avoid in the first place. Jesus said in Matthew, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life..But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matt. 6:27,33-34)
I am always awed by how little Jonathan worries. I wish that I could bottle up his trust in us and his Heavenly Father and store it for my days of little faith. Jonathan and I spent some precious time last night on our knees praying for Nathan while he had an important meeting. It reminds me daily to enjoy the adventure and leave the details to God. His plan is always better than mine!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Peace for the Moment
I am relishing in the glorious moment that both children are asleep (dare I jinx the moment by acknowledging the bliss?), so I will drop a few lines into space....
Nathan's baseball team is now ranked 7th in the state. They are well on their way to taking the district's first seed for the tournament. Everyone from their district will play a bracket tourney a week from Thursday to see who makes it to the regional tourney. The top two from district go on, and then the top two go to state. We had yet another kid accept Christ at youth group. What amazing stuff to see God at work!
Jonathan is talking mostly in sentences now. Although we have suffered massive backsliding in the potty training battle, he is convinced he is a big kid and becomes the ring leader of activity with any age of friends who come around. He has such a pension for fun and laughter and motion. I am really enjoying this age!
Naomi is rolling around and exploring her surroundings. She can sit up for a few minutes at a time. She is still very in love with Jonathan and loves being right at his side. Someone at church accused her of having Sanjiah hair and Meg thinks we should cut it, but I love her curly hair and white girl fro. Is there really a minimum age for hair products? At 19 pounds, she proves to everyone that she doesn't miss many meals.
Speaking of food, it sounds like our little princess has decided it's lunch time. Hope this catches you up on a little of our madness. I will close on a verse from one of our seasoned mothers in the church to all of the new moms:
"We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed." I Corinthians 15:51
Nathan's baseball team is now ranked 7th in the state. They are well on their way to taking the district's first seed for the tournament. Everyone from their district will play a bracket tourney a week from Thursday to see who makes it to the regional tourney. The top two from district go on, and then the top two go to state. We had yet another kid accept Christ at youth group. What amazing stuff to see God at work!
Jonathan is talking mostly in sentences now. Although we have suffered massive backsliding in the potty training battle, he is convinced he is a big kid and becomes the ring leader of activity with any age of friends who come around. He has such a pension for fun and laughter and motion. I am really enjoying this age!
Naomi is rolling around and exploring her surroundings. She can sit up for a few minutes at a time. She is still very in love with Jonathan and loves being right at his side. Someone at church accused her of having Sanjiah hair and Meg thinks we should cut it, but I love her curly hair and white girl fro. Is there really a minimum age for hair products? At 19 pounds, she proves to everyone that she doesn't miss many meals.
Speaking of food, it sounds like our little princess has decided it's lunch time. Hope this catches you up on a little of our madness. I will close on a verse from one of our seasoned mothers in the church to all of the new moms:
"We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed." I Corinthians 15:51
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Dear Mom,
I had an amazing experience this week that I wanted to share with you. I like to call it a "glimpse," although others may call it a vision. I saw a scene that broke my heart for so many reasons, but nothing this week brought me more hope.
You see, Mom, I had the opportunity to share with a friend of mine the relationship that Jesus offers to anyone who believes in Him. I bucked the system. I dared to offend someone who had never read a word from a Bible or knew how long it took God to create the universe or even heard that God loved her and created her with a specific purpose in mind.
I really did it for one reason; she deserved to have hope and love in her life. She grew up in a godless world. She lived a dark existence by our standards and has a rough circumstance now. Most would write her off and just expect her to make the most of what she has left. But, it broke my heart to see her pain, to gaze into her hurting heart, and send her on her way because I was afraid that I was going to give her trite answers or that she might turn it down.
So, I did the loving thing. I shared with her that I knew the secret to a healed heart and a hope for tomorrow. I told her that she could change her family tree and roots, giving her kids a chance at something different. I told her not of empty religion and liturgy, but of empty tombs and relationship. And the funniest thing happened....she asked Jesus to come live in her heart.
Thank you. Thank you for sharing Jesus with me, praying for me, loving me, and reminding me that God is always faithful through little times and big times in our life. I am so sorry that I take that for granted too many times. I forget that other people are going to live an eternity without God, an eternity in hell because they don't have families who share that or "evangelism" is unacceptable to share the love of Christ anymore. Thank you for not being afraid to be labeled with words like "proselytize" or "intolerant." Thank you for giving me the gift of eternal life.
Because of that, I realize that the only truth that exists in the world is from God's word. I can always return to that when everything else leaves me empty or unsatisfied. I am glad to say that you can stand before Jesus one day with a heritage of people who will live in eternity with us because you realized that trusting in God is much more simple than some people make it. You were a part of the body of Christ, and you were unselfish with the treasure God entrusted to you.
Please know that I intend to be faithful with the gift that I have. Know that I pass it on as often as I can. I am forever grateful that I get to invest in other people and give them what I have always known....Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
With Love, Your Daughter Kendra
"And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." John 17:3
You see, Mom, I had the opportunity to share with a friend of mine the relationship that Jesus offers to anyone who believes in Him. I bucked the system. I dared to offend someone who had never read a word from a Bible or knew how long it took God to create the universe or even heard that God loved her and created her with a specific purpose in mind.
I really did it for one reason; she deserved to have hope and love in her life. She grew up in a godless world. She lived a dark existence by our standards and has a rough circumstance now. Most would write her off and just expect her to make the most of what she has left. But, it broke my heart to see her pain, to gaze into her hurting heart, and send her on her way because I was afraid that I was going to give her trite answers or that she might turn it down.
So, I did the loving thing. I shared with her that I knew the secret to a healed heart and a hope for tomorrow. I told her that she could change her family tree and roots, giving her kids a chance at something different. I told her not of empty religion and liturgy, but of empty tombs and relationship. And the funniest thing happened....she asked Jesus to come live in her heart.
Thank you. Thank you for sharing Jesus with me, praying for me, loving me, and reminding me that God is always faithful through little times and big times in our life. I am so sorry that I take that for granted too many times. I forget that other people are going to live an eternity without God, an eternity in hell because they don't have families who share that or "evangelism" is unacceptable to share the love of Christ anymore. Thank you for not being afraid to be labeled with words like "proselytize" or "intolerant." Thank you for giving me the gift of eternal life.
Because of that, I realize that the only truth that exists in the world is from God's word. I can always return to that when everything else leaves me empty or unsatisfied. I am glad to say that you can stand before Jesus one day with a heritage of people who will live in eternity with us because you realized that trusting in God is much more simple than some people make it. You were a part of the body of Christ, and you were unselfish with the treasure God entrusted to you.
Please know that I intend to be faithful with the gift that I have. Know that I pass it on as often as I can. I am forever grateful that I get to invest in other people and give them what I have always known....Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
With Love, Your Daughter Kendra
"And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." John 17:3
Thursday, April 12, 2007
He Hears
"Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear." (Isaiah 65:24).
God hears us in all the little (and big) moments in our lives.
God hears us in all the little (and big) moments in our lives.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Mom, I'm Sorry For...
This is the part of the show where I openly apologize for all of the pain and suffering I gave my parents while I was growing up and assure them that I am getting paid back in full for every minute of it.

Today's installment is brought to us with special thanks to Jonathan....
Mom, I'm sorry that I took the toilet paper and ran it around the rooms in our house. I realize how much of a tedious pain this is to re-roll and how much of a waste it is.

Please rest assured tonight, knowing that I have learned my lesson, and I promise never to do it again.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Online Loneliness
I was just commenting to my sister yesterday about how sad it made me that no one posted on the blogs we usually read. I am guilty of this myself, being as that, when I sat down to the two minutes I had to myself, I really had nothing to say. It amazes me that reading people's comments on my blog or reading other blogs gives me some form of adult sentence structure and content. All that being said, I suppose the true void that was there was talking with everyone and connecting on how life is going.
So, I will throw in the quick update. Nathan's baseball team is currently ranked 10th in the state for their classification. That is exciting, but it means that all the other teams view them as the team to beat. No more flying under the radar. Jonathan's potty training continues to go well. We are so close to being there, but nap time and nighttime still challenge us. Naomi decided to roll over on Sunday. Now all of her time is spent on her belly trying to figure out how to keep up with her brother. I am doing pretty well. I think that Nathan and I figured out a way to make a couple of changes to the schedule that might preserve my sanity (the jury's out, but so far so good).
Off to tackle the world for another day. I always enjoy hearing from you all. It lifts my heart and makes my day.
P.S. Who would have thought that blue and green food coloring could look EXACTLY like war paint? Leave it to Jonathan. And by the way, no...Oil-Free Eye Make-up Remover doesn't take food coloring off. It just goes to show that if it is too quiet in the house, something must be up!
"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy." Philippians 1:3-4
So, I will throw in the quick update. Nathan's baseball team is currently ranked 10th in the state for their classification. That is exciting, but it means that all the other teams view them as the team to beat. No more flying under the radar. Jonathan's potty training continues to go well. We are so close to being there, but nap time and nighttime still challenge us. Naomi decided to roll over on Sunday. Now all of her time is spent on her belly trying to figure out how to keep up with her brother. I am doing pretty well. I think that Nathan and I figured out a way to make a couple of changes to the schedule that might preserve my sanity (the jury's out, but so far so good).
Off to tackle the world for another day. I always enjoy hearing from you all. It lifts my heart and makes my day.
P.S. Who would have thought that blue and green food coloring could look EXACTLY like war paint? Leave it to Jonathan. And by the way, no...Oil-Free Eye Make-up Remover doesn't take food coloring off. It just goes to show that if it is too quiet in the house, something must be up!
"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy." Philippians 1:3-4
Monday, April 2, 2007
Establish the Work of Our Hands

"Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, for as many years as we have seen trouble. May your deeds be shown to your servants, your splendor to their children. May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us- yes, establish the work of our hands." Psalm 90:14-17
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
What a Mighty God We Serve
"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God."
~Psalm 20:7
When you give God the opportunity to do something big completely for His glory, it is so fun to sit back in anticipation to see His hand at work. What a blessing He has given our family! We are so blessed to be close to our parents and most of our siblings. We are blessed to love and enjoy the work we do. So, asking more than that of God seemed a little tough.
But, boy did God come through. We have been working toward getting out of debt. With a little help from Uncle Sam this year and some extra income from doing a little extra work, we have cut our debt in half in the last two months. What an answer to prayer!
God says that He provides for our needs. He didn't have to give us money. We wanted to get out of debt. But I believe that it is only because we sought His will for the situation and desired to give Him the fame for it that He answered our prayer in such a powerful way. At this rate, we will have everything but the house completely paid off in no more than 18 months (and even less if God so desires). What a mighty God we serve!
~Psalm 20:7
When you give God the opportunity to do something big completely for His glory, it is so fun to sit back in anticipation to see His hand at work. What a blessing He has given our family! We are so blessed to be close to our parents and most of our siblings. We are blessed to love and enjoy the work we do. So, asking more than that of God seemed a little tough.
But, boy did God come through. We have been working toward getting out of debt. With a little help from Uncle Sam this year and some extra income from doing a little extra work, we have cut our debt in half in the last two months. What an answer to prayer!
God says that He provides for our needs. He didn't have to give us money. We wanted to get out of debt. But I believe that it is only because we sought His will for the situation and desired to give Him the fame for it that He answered our prayer in such a powerful way. At this rate, we will have everything but the house completely paid off in no more than 18 months (and even less if God so desires). What a mighty God we serve!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Buzzing Around
Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
The bee is more honored than other animals,
Not because she labors,
Not because she labors for others.
But because she finds it sweet
To labor in the business
That her Maker has given her.
You can't enjoy the sweet things God
placed in your life
Until you replace busy-ness
with bee-ing with God. ~Debra Burton
I love the bee. Perhaps it is because the bee is so industrious. Or maybe it is because it seems as though the bee has a full grasp on its specific purpose in life. The bee does not make much honey, but she goes about making the little very often to avail much honey. That kind of clarity seems to be lacking in my life. That sense of discipline seems to be waining in my day-to-day schedule. However, I never seem to lack in the busyness that the bee is famous for.
I have had to look at my life and evaluate what is good and what is best. I find that if I toil in what is good, I grow very tired. I revel in the fact that if I truly seek out what is best and only give my time to that, I am energized and at peace at the end of my day. I suppose that is when I press into God for His strength to complete only the tasks that He has prepared for me and use the strength that only comes from Him. I suppose that is when I most want to be a bee. I want to be able to complete what is impossible by worldly standards to achieve and gives God the most glory in my life.
The bee is more honored than other animals,
Not because she labors,
Not because she labors for others.
But because she finds it sweet
To labor in the business
That her Maker has given her.
You can't enjoy the sweet things God
placed in your life
Until you replace busy-ness
with bee-ing with God. ~Debra Burton
I love the bee. Perhaps it is because the bee is so industrious. Or maybe it is because it seems as though the bee has a full grasp on its specific purpose in life. The bee does not make much honey, but she goes about making the little very often to avail much honey. That kind of clarity seems to be lacking in my life. That sense of discipline seems to be waining in my day-to-day schedule. However, I never seem to lack in the busyness that the bee is famous for.
I have had to look at my life and evaluate what is good and what is best. I find that if I toil in what is good, I grow very tired. I revel in the fact that if I truly seek out what is best and only give my time to that, I am energized and at peace at the end of my day. I suppose that is when I press into God for His strength to complete only the tasks that He has prepared for me and use the strength that only comes from Him. I suppose that is when I most want to be a bee. I want to be able to complete what is impossible by worldly standards to achieve and gives God the most glory in my life.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
A Quiet Moment, but That's All I Get.....
Isaiah 26:2-4
Open the gates that the righteous nation may enter, the nation that keeps faith.
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.
Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.
Open the gates that the righteous nation may enter, the nation that keeps faith.
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.
Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Investments for a Lifetime
No, no....this is not some outrageous dissertation on the power of an IRA or long-term earnings ratios made simple. I recommend listening to Dave Ramsey for better financial advice. Although, when we talk about investing, it is funny how tied we are to the idea of money.
Nathan has been tirelessly working a couple of jobs that will add some great financial benefit to our family. As with anything, work always comes feast or famine. We decided as a family to make an investment in our future by doing a little more work now, paying off some of our debt now, so that long-term we will have a little more financial benefit and happier family dynamic later down the road. Sound crazy or familiar?
To date, I think that this plan is working for several reasons. First, it is a SHORT-TERM plan. We cannot sustain this pace for more than a couple of months. Second, because we believe that this work came from us seeking God's will and being diligent to take care of what He gives us. We want to be smart with our finances and have begged Him to show us how to multiply our efforts to multiply His money for His service (reference my previous blog on asking God for big things in "Calling Indiana Jones"). And finally, this is working because we are still making some important investments.
Our family time and our couple time is still so important. If we are not investing in each other, we are building our bank somewhere else. Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21) I believe that this applies to our time, our loyalties, and our money. Nathan and I determine to be set apart from how the world does marriage or family time, and make an investment in us and in our kids that will pay dividends for years to come. The work you do now with your kids is priceless down the road, and the kids really enjoy their daddy time.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. ~Romans 12:2
Nathan has been tirelessly working a couple of jobs that will add some great financial benefit to our family. As with anything, work always comes feast or famine. We decided as a family to make an investment in our future by doing a little more work now, paying off some of our debt now, so that long-term we will have a little more financial benefit and happier family dynamic later down the road. Sound crazy or familiar?
To date, I think that this plan is working for several reasons. First, it is a SHORT-TERM plan. We cannot sustain this pace for more than a couple of months. Second, because we believe that this work came from us seeking God's will and being diligent to take care of what He gives us. We want to be smart with our finances and have begged Him to show us how to multiply our efforts to multiply His money for His service (reference my previous blog on asking God for big things in "Calling Indiana Jones"). And finally, this is working because we are still making some important investments.
Our family time and our couple time is still so important. If we are not investing in each other, we are building our bank somewhere else. Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21) I believe that this applies to our time, our loyalties, and our money. Nathan and I determine to be set apart from how the world does marriage or family time, and make an investment in us and in our kids that will pay dividends for years to come. The work you do now with your kids is priceless down the road, and the kids really enjoy their daddy time.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. ~Romans 12:2
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Snakes and snails and puppydog tails.....
We have a small sociology experiment going in our house. Growing up with two sisters, I never experienced what little boys are like. When my son was born, I was awed at how different little boys really are (practically from birth)! My finite mind wondered if it my experience around babies was outdated. Then came our little sugar and spice and everything nice. How fun it is to see that, in fact, our house has a little bit of balance and opposites to enjoy between the two.
I think that it is sad to live in a society that shames us for expecting boys and girls to be different, rather than celebrating the strengths that boys and girls individually have. My husband gently reminds me that I was not born with the "correct" noise chip in my brain to make sounds effects, but I can make reading a book just as captivating in a different way. I am so glad that my son is physically strong and my daughter is sweet-spirited. I long to teach them how to use the way God made them to utilize their strength and let God triumph through their weakness. That seems like it is true liberation.
The Bible says in Romans 8:28, "And we know in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." I am so thankful that God created us so specially, so specifically, and in a way that He can use us for a special plan. It is awe-inspiring how gifted my children already are and how God is working in and around them. What a neat plan God has in using children in our lives! I wonder who learns more.......
Romans 8:28, "And we know in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
I think that it is sad to live in a society that shames us for expecting boys and girls to be different, rather than celebrating the strengths that boys and girls individually have. My husband gently reminds me that I was not born with the "correct" noise chip in my brain to make sounds effects, but I can make reading a book just as captivating in a different way. I am so glad that my son is physically strong and my daughter is sweet-spirited. I long to teach them how to use the way God made them to utilize their strength and let God triumph through their weakness. That seems like it is true liberation.
The Bible says in Romans 8:28, "And we know in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." I am so thankful that God created us so specially, so specifically, and in a way that He can use us for a special plan. It is awe-inspiring how gifted my children already are and how God is working in and around them. What a neat plan God has in using children in our lives! I wonder who learns more.......
Romans 8:28, "And we know in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
Monday, March 12, 2007
The Time Snatchers
There are thieves lurking in my home! They are constantly on the prowl, scouring my daily life in an illusive search for time. You probably have some in your house. I find even the common variety at times in my car, on phone calls, in common errand facilities, and everywhere in between. They come quietly, stay far too long, and successfully steal my life away.
It seems that they visit more frequently when I am busy, although I enjoy their company more when I have "spare time" on my hands (all of the mommy figures let out a collective laugh at that one!). There was so much that I wanted to do today, yesterday, this year, or sometime that, for well-intentioned reasons, has not or is not happening. I realize more daily that these time snatchers are intentionally stealing away precious moments of my life, and I am here to protest loudly by saying that I WANT THEM BACK!
John 10:10 says, "The thief (referencing Satan) does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." I have declared war on the time snatchers in an attempt to enjoy abundant life. That requires a couple of tools.
I am determining to be more intentional. That includes INTENTIONALLY starting my day off with prayer and surrender to God. I am deciding to plan my life better. This step requires writing a plan and sticking to it. I am making my priorities my priorities. I want to make sure my family gets their time and my tasks, in turn, get the attention that they need. Any tips or trials like mine?
"I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. " John 10:9
It seems that they visit more frequently when I am busy, although I enjoy their company more when I have "spare time" on my hands (all of the mommy figures let out a collective laugh at that one!). There was so much that I wanted to do today, yesterday, this year, or sometime that, for well-intentioned reasons, has not or is not happening. I realize more daily that these time snatchers are intentionally stealing away precious moments of my life, and I am here to protest loudly by saying that I WANT THEM BACK!
John 10:10 says, "The thief (referencing Satan) does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." I have declared war on the time snatchers in an attempt to enjoy abundant life. That requires a couple of tools.
I am determining to be more intentional. That includes INTENTIONALLY starting my day off with prayer and surrender to God. I am deciding to plan my life better. This step requires writing a plan and sticking to it. I am making my priorities my priorities. I want to make sure my family gets their time and my tasks, in turn, get the attention that they need. Any tips or trials like mine?
"I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. " John 10:9
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Calling Indiana Jones:
"I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darness into light before them and make the rough places smooth.These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them." Isaiah 42:16
The Bible is full of calls to adventure. Many still claim it is boring and outdated, but I see a long invitation. An invitation to adventure more thrilling than base jumping. An invitation to romance more juicy than any trashy romance novel. An invitation to hope that life is more than the enveloping circumstances our lives suffocate by. An invitation to work for something that is eternal, rather than just enjoying the fruits of labor that will shrivel away tomorrow.
The latest quest God laid before me was an invitation to prayer. What, after all, do you believe is possible? God really challenged me on my belief barrier through some trying circumstances this year. I read that, "Nothing lies beyond the reach of prayer except that which lies outside the will of God." (Mrs. Charles Cowman Streams in the Desert) I realized that there was so much I was leaving on the table and walking away from. How much blessing have I missed in my life simply because I was unwilling to seek after it, to pray for it?
So, I have quested to give God the forum to take credit for the amazing mountains He moves in my life. I welcome you to join me. I welcome you to put into words, either here or on your own paper, the incredible things that you ask God for. I urge you to pray, knowing in your heart that God CAN do these big things and expecting His answer for your life. But most of all, I invite you to share the answers God gives, both for what you want and what you do not. I invite you to make God famous for what He does in our live and the wisdom that He holds, both to give us "great gifts" or to bless us in ways that were better for us long term. Let us celebrate with you the work of the Lord. After all, "Faith is not believeing in my own unshakable belief. Faith is believeing an unshakable God when everything in me trembles and quakes."
My first example to share with you is that I begged God for souls. I begged Him to show me how He changes lives. This week I got to pray with someone to put their hope and faith in Jesus Christ and accept His free gift of salvation and eternal life. What better way to see a faithful God than to see Him changing other lives for eternity?
Friday, March 9, 2007
There is a Season...
I never read the job description to motherhood. I suppose that I should have. I am sure that there is one contained in a thick, maroon-bound book on a shelf somewhere that I could blow the dust off of and read. It would take volumes to contain the entire list of duties performed, expected, and thrust upon mothers. I am sure that I live a much happier existence celebrating my accomplishments as a mother, rather than cataloging the "requirements" that come with the territory.
The little experience I have in motherhood shows me one constant in the field: there are many seasons we in the mommy club survive. I suppose that was God's design, as He claimed the rights to that ingenious idea in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. I always thought that this passage told us that we would traverse through separate seasons, but in the midst of it all I am learning daily that seasons of life are more like an all-you-can-eat buffet rather than a course of a meal. "I'll take a plate of a time to gather stones, with a side of laughter and top it all with a time to be silent."
I hold onto the hope that Ecclesiastes 3:11 gives with, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end." I realize that through the trying times of potty-training, debt-reducing, working, loving, disappointment, and everything in between, God has amazing things to do in my life and amazing places to bring me through that I cannot even imagine. What a call to adventure and treasure-chasing! I suppose in the meantime I will occupy my time with another load of laundry and reading The Big Red Barn another hundred times.
The little experience I have in motherhood shows me one constant in the field: there are many seasons we in the mommy club survive. I suppose that was God's design, as He claimed the rights to that ingenious idea in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. I always thought that this passage told us that we would traverse through separate seasons, but in the midst of it all I am learning daily that seasons of life are more like an all-you-can-eat buffet rather than a course of a meal. "I'll take a plate of a time to gather stones, with a side of laughter and top it all with a time to be silent."
I hold onto the hope that Ecclesiastes 3:11 gives with, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end." I realize that through the trying times of potty-training, debt-reducing, working, loving, disappointment, and everything in between, God has amazing things to do in my life and amazing places to bring me through that I cannot even imagine. What a call to adventure and treasure-chasing! I suppose in the meantime I will occupy my time with another load of laundry and reading The Big Red Barn another hundred times.
Ecclesiastes 3: 12-13:
12 I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. 13 That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil—this is the gift of God.
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