Saturday, May 19, 2007

Barking Orders

Apparently, my two year old thinks that he commands the post around here. Yesterday, it took him five minutes to decide what to drink (as if we have more choices than Starbucks....dream on, kiddo!). He had to decide the color of the cup, and the kind of drink (,, apple, milk mommy!....water!!!!). I fully expect to hear him spout of some 2% half-caff mochachino mumbo jumbo before long. What can I say, the kid knows what he wants (or explains it out loud until he decides). I suppose that it was my lot in life to parent a strong-willed child.

But, the funniest thing happened last night. We are at the dinner table, and Jonathan is eating his hamburger and applesauce next to me. Meg and Nathan are at the table witnessing the sight for the first time. Jonathan leans over to me and says, "Mommy, give me some..." as he extends his fist for me to pound. I thought Meg was going to swallow her tongue she was laughing so hard. It is really funny to see pop culture infiltrating a two year old.

We won our first softball game last night 18-11. A fun night all around. We bought the plants yesterday to start the garden. That is one of the best things to look forward to in summertime. Especially with the price of produce going up! Hope all is well with you and yours!


Anonymous said...

ha. like mother like son?? i don't think he has to go far to find that pop culture...'i like it when you call me big poppa...'

Kendra said...

That is so funny! I had totally forgotten about that. Leave it to you to throw a little rap back into my life. My sister and I have flashback music wars since she's been living here. It adds a little something. That Jonathan, he's hip...he's with it!