There are thieves lurking in my home! They are constantly on the prowl, scouring my daily life in an illusive search for time. You probably have some in your house. I find even the common variety at times in my car, on phone calls, in common errand facilities, and everywhere in between. They come quietly, stay far too long, and successfully steal my life away.
It seems that they visit more frequently when I am busy, although I enjoy their company more when I have "spare time" on my hands (all of the mommy figures let out a collective laugh at that one!). There was so much that I wanted to do today, yesterday, this year, or sometime that, for well-intentioned reasons, has not or is not happening. I realize more daily that these time snatchers are intentionally stealing away precious moments of my life, and I am here to protest loudly by saying that I WANT THEM BACK!
John 10:10 says, "The thief (referencing Satan) does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." I have declared war on the time snatchers in an attempt to enjoy abundant life. That requires a couple of tools.
I am determining to be more intentional. That includes INTENTIONALLY starting my day off with prayer and surrender to God. I am deciding to plan my life better. This step requires writing a plan and sticking to it. I am making my priorities my priorities. I want to make sure my family gets their time and my tasks, in turn, get the attention that they need. Any tips or trials like mine?
"I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. " John 10:9
It seems that they visit more frequently when I am busy, although I enjoy their company more when I have "spare time" on my hands (all of the mommy figures let out a collective laugh at that one!). There was so much that I wanted to do today, yesterday, this year, or sometime that, for well-intentioned reasons, has not or is not happening. I realize more daily that these time snatchers are intentionally stealing away precious moments of my life, and I am here to protest loudly by saying that I WANT THEM BACK!
John 10:10 says, "The thief (referencing Satan) does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." I have declared war on the time snatchers in an attempt to enjoy abundant life. That requires a couple of tools.
I am determining to be more intentional. That includes INTENTIONALLY starting my day off with prayer and surrender to God. I am deciding to plan my life better. This step requires writing a plan and sticking to it. I am making my priorities my priorities. I want to make sure my family gets their time and my tasks, in turn, get the attention that they need. Any tips or trials like mine?
"I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. " John 10:9
Good on you (as they say in Australia!)I needed the reminder about the important vs the urgent!
glad you are writing!
Aunt Charlotte
I love how you write, Kendra. And it's so great to "see" your kids! They're adorable.
Thanks for your sweet comments from time to time. I'm looking forward to meeting you and the babies sometime!
By the way, thanks for allowing Nathan to come up by himself to our wedding last summer... We just got the video and it's just so great to see everyone there! Having his cousins there was so special for Andrew.
I'll send you a "stuff for Andrew" email in a minute or two... Thanks for caring!
^^ whoa. we were writing at the same time?? amazing. : )
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