Over the past several weeks, I have been greatly changed by my children. I feel like I've grown up a little as they raise me. They continually teach me the trite lessons of what growing up looks like, what is really important, and how precious life really is.
It was over a month ago now that a puzzling situation came upon me. The first time it happened was in the car, and I didn't realize the weight of the situation at the time. But then, a day or two later, Jonathan was playing by himself during a quiet few minutes of his sister's nap, and it happened again. As I was hurriedly trying to complete A task for the day, I faintly heard Jonathan use a pretend voice. He has been venturing on strolls through make-believe, but this was a huge milestone of finding a creating a place known only to him; creating an environment of safety and adventure.
As a parent, I didn't know what to do. I was paralyzed to even mention that I heard a different sound from his mouth. I didn't want to take this treasure from his hands. And, at that moment, I remembered in my own life how important it is to blaze new trails in search of adventure and mystery. I remembered how I longed to create my own voice in a world of noise and confusion. I believe that it is that longing to create an intimate place shared only with the beloved friends we treasure in our hearts that births the desire to really have our hearts be known by the Creator and those around us as we grow older.
I have really admired my children over the past few months for all of the discovery and all the ways God continues to use them even now (I hope to share some of those precious memories soon). My heart is so pleased that they try to create their own world and break out to experience the adventure ahead.
My beloved spoke, and said to me:
“ Rise up, my love, my fair one,
And come away.
For lo, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth;
The time of singing has come,
And the voice of the turtledove
Is heard in our land." Song of Solomon 2:10-12